Pinkburst Project Press Page
The Pinkburst Project: Premier Guitar, February 2011
Guitar Aficionado Article (Adobe Acrobat format), March/April 2011 Page 1 | Page 2
Classic Rock Magazine (Adobe Acrobat format)
Boston Herald: Twisted Sister guitarist plays lead for charity on eye disease
Forbes: Negotiating a Cure: Jay Jay French and the Pinkburst Project
Goldmine Magazine: Guitar and amp makers go pink for a good cause
Exclusive NY Hard Rock Examiner Interview with Jay Jay French of Twisted Sister
Blabbermouth.net - TWISTED SISTER Guitarist's 'The Pinkburst Project': Auction Previews Announced
Pinkburst Project Press Release, March 31, 2011
Pinkburst Project Press Release, January 24, 2011
It used to be that when we thought of ‘burst finishes we visualized vintage, tobacco or cherry, later tri-color, ice tea, and sunset, and still later fire and sienna. Scott Chinery, the noted collector and muse to the arts and artisans, dazzled us in the mid-‘90s with a collection of hand-made guitars each cast in blue’burst. But none of those ‘bursts that have come before prepares you for this collection of 25 guitars and amplifiers in glorious pink’burst. Sunburst is defined as “a sudden emergence of the sun from behind the clouds.” In creating and then auctioning this collection to benefit medical research and awareness of Uveitis (inflammation of the middle layer of the eye, said to account for 10% of the blindness in the USA), J. J. French has focused our attention in a pernicious disease that needed a champion. In informing the public about the need for funding and becoming an advocate for those who suffer J. J. has, with his imagination, dedication and generosity, lifted the veil of obscurity from Uveitis and . . . well . . . he brings forth the sudden emerging of the sun from behind the clouds!
Stan Jay, President, Mandolin Brothers, Ltd.