Ocular Inflammatory Disease Virtual Support Group
Tuesday, May 4th 2021
7:30 PM EST
This is your reminder to put the ocular inflammatory disease support group date down in your calendar!
When: Tuesday, May 4th
Time: 7:30PM EST
Dr. Anesi joins us and gives advice on how to navigate self-advocacy with doctors who are less familiar with eye inflammation. If this is a topic you want to learn more about, then please use the zoom link below to join!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 6233 3924
Passcode: 952458
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Meeting ID: 850 6233 3924
Passcode: 952458
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Find out more about Uveitis, the leading cause of blindness among American girls.
"We believe that only through applied research will we be successful in finding a cure for inflammatory diseases of the eye. This ongoing research is sponsored from government grants, industry funding, and private donations, and takes place in our state-of-the-art research laboratory and clinical center. We also collaborate with physicians from around the world to share ideas, achievements, and new information in an effort to spread valuable knowledge worldwide."
Learn more about The Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation.